The File menu

New Go File creates a 'hello world' program, and forces you to save it before you start compiling. You cannot start typing into the editor without creating a new file, or opening an existing one.

Open, Save, Save As, Print, Exit have their normal meanings. NB the Compile button also does a save.

The Edit menu

... have their normal meanings. Sorry- there is no Find Next.

The Tools menu

Lines Containing - really a simplified grep. TODO

I find this useful to find e.g. variables declared but not used. (They only occur once)

Set Command-Line Args - Used to pass data to programs when they are launched. If one of your args contains spaces, then "quote" them. Here is a line with 3 args:

cat "a dog" fish

Bigger/smaller text - obvious.

Configure Go System - you have to tell gogo where the Go/bin folder is on your system. Just follow the instructions.

Current Go System - tells you which Go system is currently in use by gogo.

The Help menu

Most of these link to this website.

The Buttons

The basic use is to amend your code, click Compile, then fix any errors. When you get a clean compile, click Link/Run. If you want to do fancy shell stuff to run it, use the command shell to run 8.out.

The Compile Button - saves your code, runs the compiler.

The Link/run Button - runs the linker, then executes the program.

The Link Only Button - runs the linker. Any link errors appear on-screen.

The GoFmt button- runs gofmt, creates a backup. Compile prior to doing this.

Error messages go to the bottom part of the screen - click on an error message to be placed at the line.

You can drag the splitter to re-proportion the edit/error sizes.

Bugs, Features, Issues

  • Syntax highlighting - uses Java's reserved words list - sorry. Quite possible to change.