Chapter 6

Using Objects

This chapter explains: Note: In the 'paper' book , the self-test answers are separated from the questions!


In this chapter, we will deepen our understanding of objects. In particular, we will look at the use of different types of objects from the VB library of classes. Note that, though there are many hundreds of these, the principles of using them are similar.

Here is an analogy: reading a book - whatever the book - involves opening it at the front, reading a page, then moving to the next page. We know what to do with a book. It is the same with objects. When you have used a few of them, you know what to look for when presented with a new one.

In general, the objects we will make use of are termed controls or components. The terms are really interchangeable, but VB uses 'control' for items which can be manipulated on a form.

Instance variables

In order to tackle more advanced problems, we need to introduce a new place to declare variables. So far, we have used Dim to declare local variables within methods. But local variables alone are insufficient to tackle most problems.

Here we introduce a simple program (Car Park1) to assist in the running of a car park (or parking lot). It has two buttons: 'entering' and 'leaving'. The attendant clicks the appropriate button as a car enters or leaves. The program keeps a count of the number of cars in the park, and displays it in a label.

Note that the count is changed by two methods, so it cannot be declared locally within only one of them. It is tempting to think that the variable can be declared within each method, but this would result in two separate variables.

The screenshot is shown figure 6.1, and here is the code:

Public Class Form1
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
    Private carCount As Integer = 0

    Private Sub EnterButton_Click( _
                            ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                            ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                            Handles EnterButton.Click
        carCount = carCount + 1
        CountLabel.Text = CStr(carCount)
    End Sub

    Private Sub LeaveButton_Click( _
                            ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                            ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                            Handles LeaveButton.Click
        carCount = carCount - 1
        CountLabel.Text = CStr(carCount)
    End Sub
End Class
fig 6.1 screenshot of Car Park1 program

There are a number of points to note:

Note that the programmer has free choice of names for instance variables. But what if a name coincides with a local variable name, as in:

Public Class Form1
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

    Private n As Integer = 8
    Private Sub MyMethod()
        Dim n As Integer
        n = 3          'which n?
    End Sub
End Class

Although both variables are accessible (in scope) within MyMethod, the rule is that the local variable is chosen. The instance variable (module-level) n remains set to 8.

In the above Form1 class, what are the consequences of deleting the Dim statement?
ANSWER: The program will still compile and run - but will probably produce wrong results. It now modifies the value of a variable that is shared between methods. Before, it modified a local variable.

Class-level variables are essential, but you should not ignore locals. For example, if a variable is used inside one method only, and need not keep its value between method calls, make it local.

The form constructor

Let us re-visit the car park program. We used a variable carCount to count with, and we used a label to display the carCount value. We set the value of carCount to 0 within the program, and we set the text property of Label1 to 0 at design time. In fact, these are not separate. Consider the possibility that five cars are left in the car park for an extended period. We have to alter the initial value of carCount as well as the initial value of the text property of Label1. In reality, there is only one item holding the number of cars. This is carCount. Rather than separately setting the initial text value of Label1 at design time, it would be better to arrange that the value of carCount - whatever it is - is placed in the label as the program starts running.

It is common for the initial values of controls to depend on variables and on other controls. We could attempt to set up this situation at design-time, but for several controls this is error-prone, and does not express the dependencies. It is better if we set up related initial values in code. Fortunately VB provides a special area of the program for such once-only initialisation. Look at the second version: Car Park2.

Public Class Form1
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
    Private carCount As Integer = 0

#Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "

    Public Sub New()

        'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.

        'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call
        CountLabel.Text = CStr(carCount)
    End Sub

    ' ... followed by code to initialise controls (not shown)

    Private Sub LeaveButton_Click( _
                            ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                            ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                            Handles LeaveButton.Click
        carCount = carCount - 1
        CountLabel.Text = CStr(carCount)

    End Sub

    Private Sub EnterButton_Click( _
                            ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                            ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                            Handles EnterButton.Click
        carCount = carCount + 1
        CountLabel.Text = CStr(carCount)
    End Sub
End Class
To create this code, we need to use the editor to open up an area of code that has not been explored before. Use your Car Park1 example, and locate the line:
Windows Form Designer generated code
Click on the small + to its left to open up the code. You will see a large amount of code, but the good news is that most of it must not be altered - it has been produced by the VB system, and in fact, you should not play around with the code!

There is a method near the top headed:

Public Sub New()
When the VB system runs your program, it creates a new instance of Form1, and it calls its New method first. This method is known as a constructor - it does some initial 'building' of the object. First, it creates your form and its controls by calling the InitializeComponent method. After the controls are created, you can write code to modify their initial values.

In this improved version of the program, we have no need to set the Text of the label at design time - instead, we insert code to do it towards the end of New, and the value is guaranteed to be the same as carCount. The comment:

'Add any initialization...
in the code shows you where it is safe to put your initialization. Do not put it anywhere else.

After your amendments, you can run the program. The area of code you expanded can now be collapsed if you wish, by clicking the - at the left of the line:

#REGION: "Windows Form Designer generated code "

What is wrong with:
Public Sub New()

    Label1.Text = "38"

End Sub

ANSWER: The program accesses a label before that label has been created (in InitializeComponent). This produces a run-time error.

In the above example, we modified the New constructor, but did not call it ourselves. Later in this chapter, we will create new objects by explicitly calling the constructor of their class.

The TrackBar class

Here is another example of component initialization. The track bar is a GUI control from the toolbox. It is similar in nature to the scroll bar at the side of a word-processor window, but the track bar can be placed anywhere on a form. The user can drag the 'thumb' to the required position, and the minimum and maximum values can be set via properties - at design-time and run-time.

The track bar is not used for precise settings such as entering your age, where the range might be large. i.e. 10 to 100. It is used for more informal settings, such as setting the volume of a loudspeaker.

Here we look at a program (Oval Shape) which allows the user to modify the width and the height of an ellipse. The current dimensions are displayed on the form in labels. ure 6.2 shows a screenshot, and here is the code:

Public Class Form1
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
    Private paper As Graphics

    Public Sub New()

        'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.

        'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call
        paper = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics()
        VertTrackBar.Minimum = 0
        VertTrackBar.Maximum = PictureBox1.Height
        VertLabel.Text = CStr(VertTrackBar.Value)

        HorizTrackBar.Minimum = 0
        HorizTrackBar.Maximum = PictureBox1.Width
        HorizLabel.Text = CStr(HorizTrackBar.Value)
    End Sub

    Private Sub VertTrackBar_Scroll( _
                             ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                             ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                             Handles VertTrackBar.Scroll
        Dim myBrush As SolidBrush = New SolidBrush(Color.Black)
        VertLabel.Text = CStr(VertTrackBar.Value)
        paper.FillEllipse(myBrush, 0, 0, HorizTrackBar.Value, _
    End Sub

    Private Sub HorizTrackBar_Scroll( _
                            ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                            ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                            Handles HorizTrackBar.Scroll
        Dim myBrush As SolidBrush = New SolidBrush(Color.Black)
        HorizLabel.Text = CStr(HorizTrackBar.Value)
        paper.FillEllipse(myBrush, 0, 0, HorizTrackBar.Value, _
    End Sub
End Class
( fig 6.2 screenshot of Oval Shape program)
Here are some points on design-time initialization: At run-time, we used the constructor to initialize some components: Note that: This program illustrates the benefits of initialising components in the form's constructor.
In the track bar example, what are the consequences of altering the size of the track bar at design-time?
There are no serious consequences. The track bars alter their maximum value to the size of the picture box as the program runs.

Imports and namespaces

VB comes with a huge library (or collection) of classes which we can use. A very important aspect of VB programming is to make use of these, rather than write our own code. This is termed 'software reuse'.

Because there are thousands of classes, they are sub-divided into groups known as namespaces. To use a class, we must ensure that it has been imported into our program. However, there are two possibilities, because some of the most frequently-used namespaces are automatically imported into any Windows application. These namespaces are:

There is a decision: Here is an example. When we use files in chapter 18, we will see the use of StreamReader, as in:
Dim myStream As StreamReader
The StreamReader class is in the System.IO namespace, so we must place the line:
Imports System.IO
at the very top of our code.

There are two points to note:

To summarise, the vast library of VB classes is organised into namespaces, which can be imported into any program. When you have imported your class, you need to know how to create a new instance, and how to use its properties and methods. We shall look at these areas in a range of classes.

Members, methods, and properties

The members of a class are its properties and its methods. Properties contain values which represent the current state of an instance of a class (such as the text contained in a label), whereas methods cause an instance to do a task - such as drawing a circle.

Properties can be used in a similar manner to variables: we can place a new value in them, and access their current value. As an example, here is how the Width and Height properties of a label might be manipulated:

'set a new value in a property:
Label1.Height = 30
Label1.Height = CStr(TextBox1.Text)

'get current value of property:
Dim a As Integer
a = Label1.Height
a = label1.Height * Label1.Width
In VB terminology, we can set a property to a new value and get the current value of a property. Each one also has a type. For example, the Width property of the label holds an integer, whereas the Text property holds a string. The names and types of properties are available from the Help system.

Imagine a CD player - list some methods and properties that it has. Which of these are members?
ANSWER: typical methods are: move to next track, stop, start. Properties are not as universal, but many players display the current track number. They are all members.

In geometrical terms, what do the following statements accomplish?
Dim a As Integer
a = Label1.Width * Label1.Height
Label1.Height = Label1.Width

ANSWER: a becomes the area of the label, in pixels.
The height of the label becomes the same as the width: the label becomes square.

The Random class

Here we will look at a class (Random) which needs explicit declaration and initialisation. Random numbers are very useful in simulations and in games; for example we can give the game-player a different initial situation every time. Instances of the Random class provide us with a 'stream' of random numbers which we can obtain one-at-a-time via the Next method. Here is a program (Guesser) which attempts to guess your age (in a rather inefficient way) by displaying a sequence of random numbers. When you click on 'correct', the program displays the number of guesses it took. The screenshot is in figure 6.3, and here is the code:

Public Class Form1
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form

    Private ageGuesser As Random = New Random()
    Private tries As Integer = 0

    Private Sub CorrectButton_Click( _
                           ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                           ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                           Handles CorrectButton.Click
        tries = tries + 1
        MessageBox.Show("Number of tries was: " & CStr(tries))
        tries = 0
        GuessLabel.Text = CStr(ageGuesser.Next(5, 110))

    End Sub

    Private Sub WrongButton_Click( _
                          ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                          ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                          Handles WrongButton.Click
        GuessLabel.Text = CStr(ageGuesser.Next(5, 110))
        tries = tries + 1
    End Sub
End Class
( Fig 6.3 screenshot of Guesser program)
To use a new class, we use the Help system to find its namespace, and we put the appropriate Imports at the top of our program. The Random class turns out to be in the System namespace, which is imported automatically. No imports are needed in this program.

We must then declare and initialise an instance of our class. This can be done in two ways. Firstly we can use one statement, as in

Private ageGuesser As Random = New Random()
Note that: The second way to declare and initialise instances is with declaration and initialisation in different areas of the program, as in
Public  Class Form1
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
    Private ageGuesser As Random


    ageGuesser = New Random()

Whichever approach we choose, there are a number of points: Why would we need to separate declaration and initialisation? The situation often exists where we need an instance variable (as opposed to a local variable). It must be declared outside of the methods. But sometimes we cannot initialize the object until the program starts running - maybe the user enters a data value to be passed as a parameter to the constructor.

In this case, we would put the initialisation code inside a method (or perhaps the constructor). We cannot put the declaration within the method, as this would declare the item as local to the method.

Let us return to the Random program. So far, we have created an instance of the Random class, named ageGuesser. We have yet to create any actual random numbers.

Once an object has been created with New, we can use its properties and methods. The documentation tells us that there are several methods which provide us with a random number, and we chose to use the method which lets us specify the range of the numbers. The method is named Next (in the sense of fetching the next random number from a sequence of numbers). In our program, we put:

GuessLabel.Text = CStr(ageGuesser.Next(5, 110))
We could have coded it less concisely as:
Dim guess As Integer
guess = ageGuesser.Next(5, 110)
GuessLabel.Text = CStr(guess)
The range of random numbers was chosen to be from 5 to 110 inclusive, as the outer limits of ages. To summarise, we declare an instance of the appropriate class (Random here), and use New to create and initialise it. These two stages can be combined, or separated; it depends on the particular program you are working on. Then we use properties and methods of the instance. The documentation provides us with details of their names and the types of data/parameters they require.

I went to my car sales showroom and , after browsing the brochure, I ordered a specially-built 5-litre Netster in blue. When it arrived, I drove it away. Does the Car class have a constructor? Does the constructor have any parameters? Which is the instance - the photo of the car, or the real car?
ANSWER: there is a constructor, to which we pass a color. The instance is the real car which you drive away. (The photo in the catalog is really nothing more than documentation, showing you what you car will look like.)

The Timer class

So far, the classes we have used have fallen into two groups: The timer is slightly different: it is in the toolbox, but when it is dropped on a form, the IDE opens up a new Component Tray window, and puts a timer icon (a clock) on it. We can set properties at design-time, and double -clicking on the icon takes us to the timer's event-handling code. When we run the program, the timer does not appear on the form.

Here are the main timer facilities:

Here is a program (Raindrops) which simulates a sheet of paper left out in the rain. It shows randomly-sized drops falling, at random intervals. The random intervals can be changed via a track bar. ure 6.4 shows a screenshot, and here is the code:
Public Class Form1
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
    Private randomNumber As Random = New Random()
    Private paper As Graphics

    Public Sub New()

        'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.

        'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call
        paper = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics()
        GapLabel.Text = CStr(TrackBar1.Value)
    End Sub
    Private Sub StartButton_Click( _
                            ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                            ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                            Handles StartButton.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub StopButton_Click( _
                           ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                           ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                           Handles StopButton.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                            ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                            Handles Timer1.Tick
        Dim x, y, size As Integer
        Dim myBrush As Brush = New SolidBrush(Color.Black)

        x = randomNumber.Next(0, PictureBox1.Width)
        y = randomNumber.Next(0, PictureBox1.Height)
        size = randomNumber.Next(1, 20)
        paper.FillEllipse(myBrush, x, y, size, size)

        'set new interval for timer
        Timer1.Interval = _
                   randomNumber.Next(1, TrackBar1.Value)
    End Sub

    Private Sub TrackBar1_Scroll( _
                          ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                          ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                          Handles TrackBar1.Scroll
        Dim timeGap As Integer = TrackBar1.Value
        GapLabel.Text = CStr(timeGap)
    End Sub

    Private Sub ClearButton_Click( _
                             ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                             ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                             Handles ClearButton.Click
    End Sub
End Class

( fig 6.4 screenshot of Raindrops )

The program works by drawing a randomly-sized filled circle at a random position at every tick. We also reset the timer interval to a random value controlled by the track bar. (This necessitates stopping and starting the timer.) Each time the track bar is moved, we display its current value in a label. The Minimum and Maximum track bar values were chosen by experimentation, and are 200 and 2000, set at design-time. We also made use of the Clear method of the picture box, which sets all the box to a specified color.

We have a timer with an interval set to 1000, i.e. one second. Explain how we can get a display of minutes on the form.
We introduce a variable, which might be named minuteCount. It is incremented in the Tick method for the timer. This variable cannot be local, as it would lose its value when the method ends. Instead, it must be declared as an instance variable, at the top of the program. To display the minute value, we use \ to convert the seconds into minutes.
Public Class Form1
    Inherits ...
    Private minuteCount As Integer = 0

    Private Sub Timer1_Tick(etc...)
       minuteCount = minuteCount + 1
       Label1.Text = CStr(minuteCount \ 60)
    End Sub
End Class

Programming principles

For many years it has been the dream of programmers to be able to build programs in the same way that hi-fi systems are built - i.e. from 'off the shelf' components, such as speakers, amplifiers, volume controls etc. The rise in object-oriented programming has made this more possible, and it is used to some extent in the C++ and Java languages. However, the largest example of software reuse is that shown by earlier versions of VB, and this is likely to continue as VB.NET becomes more widespread. Thousands of pre- packaged VB controls are available, to do such tasks as speech recognition and internet access. In VB.NET, it is possible to write new controls for use by other programmers.

Such controls are simple to incorporate: they are added to a project by a menu action. From then on, they appear on the toolbox like any other control, and provide event-handling method headers and properties that can be set at design time. In practical terms, it is well worth searching for an existing control which meets your requirements, rather than re-inventing the wheel by coding from scratch.

Programming pitfalls

If an instance is declared but its initialisation with New is omitted, a run-time error is produced, of type System.NullReferenceException. Run- time errors (i.e. bugs) are more problematic than compile-time errors; they are harder to find, and they are more serious, because the program's execution is halted. We guarantee that you will meet this error!

Grammar spot

New language elements

New IDE facilities

The component tray, for controls that do not have a visual representation on a form.


The VB system has a vast number of classes which you can (and ought to) use. As well as the control classes which are in the toolbox, there are classes which can be incorporated into your programs by using Imports and the appropriate constructor.


1. Place a track bar on a form, together with two text boxes and a button. When the button is clicked, the track bar's Minimum and Maximum properties should be set from numbers entered in the text boxes. When the track bar is scrolled, display its minimum and maximum properties in message boxes.

2. Write a program which initially displays the number 1 in a label. Clicking a button should increment the value. Make use of a private variable initialised to 1, and set up the label in the constructor.

3. Write a program which produces a random number between 200 and 400 each time a button is clicked. The program should display this number, and the sum and average of all the numbers so far. As you click again and again, the average should converge on 300. If it doesn't, we would suspect the random number generator - just as we would be suspicious of a coin that came out heads 100 times in a row!

4. (a) Write a program which converts degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. The Celsius value should be entered in a text box. Clicking a button should cause the Fahrenheit value to be displayed in a label. The conversion formula is:

f = c * 9 / 5 + 32
(b). modify the program so that the Celsius value is entered via a track bar, with its minimum set to 0, and its maximum set to 100.

(c) represent both the temperatures as long thin rectangles in a picture box.

5. Write a program which calculates the volume of a swimming pool, and which also displays its cross-section in a picture box. The width of the pool is fixed at 5 metres and the length is fixed at 20 metres. The program should have two track bars - one to adjust the depth of the deep end, and one to adjust the depth of the shallow end. The minimum depth of each end is 1 metre. Choose suitable values for the maximum and minimum track bar values at design time. The volume formula is:

v = averageDepth * width * length
Figure 6.5 shows the cross-section.

(*** insert figure 6.5 near here

6. Write a program which displays changing minutes and seconds, representing them by two long rectangles: make the maximum width of the rectangles equal to 600 pixels to simplify the arithmetic (10 pixels for each minute and each second). Re-draw the two rectangles every second. Figure 6.6 shows a representation of 30 minutes and 15 seconds

(*** insert fig 6.6 here
The program should count up in seconds with a timer, and display the total seconds, and the time in minutes and seconds. Recall that, given a total number of seconds, we can use the Mod operator to break it down into whole hours, and seconds remaining. In order to speed up testing the program, you should reduce the timer interval from 1000 milliseconds to say 200.

7. This question guides you through the writing of a geometry game:
(a) Write a program with two track bars which control the horizontal and vertical position of a circle of 200 pixels diameter.

(b) add a third track bar to control the diameter of the circle.

(c) What follows is a game based on the mathematical fact that a circle can be drawn through any three points. The program should display 3 points (each is a small filled circle) when a 'Next Game' button is clicked. Good initial positions are (100,100),(200,200), (200,100) but you can add a small random number to them for variety. The player has to manipulate the circle until they judge that the circle goes through each point, they then click a 'Done' Button.

(d) add a timer to display how long the task takes.